I am Shun ISHII, a JSPS research fellow at Keio University, working with Prof. Kenichi Bannai. Before coming to Keio, I was a doctoral course student at Kyoto university under the supervision of Prof. Akio Tamagawa.
This is my CV, and here is the list of my talks.
email address: ishii(dot)shun(at)keio.jp
Research interests:
Once-punctured elliptic curves (Galois actions on π_1, elliptic MZVs, elliptic GT, etc)
Abelian varieties and Drinfeld modules
Anabelian geometry and related topics
The $\mathfrak{p}$-primary Uniform Boundedness Conjecture for Drinfeld Modules, International Journal of Number Theory, Vol. 20, No. 05, 1233-1263, 2024 (journal) (RIMS Preprints).
Drinfeld 加群の$\mathfrak{p}$冪ねじれ点に対する普遍上界予想について (survey article, written in Japanese), accepted for publication in RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu.
On isogeny characters of Drinfeld modules of rank two, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 301, 455–470, 2022, (journal) (RIMS Preprints).
- (with Yuki Goto) On the factorization of certain Kummer characters arising from once-punctured elliptic curves with complex multiplication, submitted (arXiv).
The following two preprints are based on my thesis, whose digest is available here.
On the kernels of the pro-$p$ outer Galois representations associated to once-punctured CM elliptic curves, in revision (arXiv).
On Kummer characters arising from Galois actions on the pro-$p$ fundamental groups of once-punctured CM elliptic curves, accepted (arXiv).